Wednesday, September 9, 2009

supplies for class

Hello students!
I hope you had a wonderful summer. I am very excited about this school year. I know that you will gain valuable skills, engage in insightful conversations, and read some great literature! Below, please find a list supplies you will need for class. If you should have any trouble obtaining any of the supplies due to financial concerns, please feel free to see me.

  1. 1 notebook or binder section solely devoted to our class notes.
  2. 1 journal/composition book (you can use one from a previous year)
    1 folder
  3. post-it notes
  4. index cards
  5. pens
Please have all supplies and signed course requirements no later than Monday, September 14.

1 comment:

  1. The definition of an American is a hard-working citizen whom has overcome the struggle for independence and holds their head up high in search of a better life. - Frances Richburg
